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Ski tour in Kola Peninsula’s Khibiny Mountain

Publié : 18 décembre 2011, 19:48
par vmalbos
Voici une proposition de notre ami Alexey, guide russe et complice de virées dans le Caucase. C'est en anglais, mais il parle aussi très bien français! :D

Dear Friend!

We would be very glad to see you for our tour in Kola Peninsula’s Khibiny Mountain, wild and beautiful nature. This is a fixed dates and price trip.

For more details please check the hereby attached file.

You can also look at our suggested program here: ... tour-train

The Khibiny Mountains are the one of the oldest mountains on earth. They present themselves as a plateau drained by deep canyons. The Khibiny Mountains are attractive to ski-tour lovers especially because of their variety of slopes and trails, the few people and the high latitude snow conditions. The close proximity of the polar circle and of the sea provides steady snow cover and long days from March to the middle of May. The low profile of the mountains makes it always possible to find slopes untouched by the heat of the sun with well preserved powder. Hence, even when the weather is steady and clear, it is possible to combine a sun-tan in the spring equinox and skiing on virgin-slopes. The low altitude of the mountains lets you do more than one slope in a day. In fact, two or three slopes are more than possible for a prepared group.

For further details please contact us, we will be happy to answer you:


ph: (00,+)78127407466

Skype pseudo : ashustrov

For other programs you may look at our site : on the page: PROMOTION.

Please, visit our video channel Carpatians, Elbrus, Kamchatka, Kola trekking and skitour at: ... ature=plcp

Looking forward for your answer,

Best regards

NewRoute team

P.S. Should you wish to get in touch with a participant to one of our previous trips, we will try our best to find one close to you.

Alexey Shustrov
Marchroute Ltd
Russia, St.Petersburg, 194354,
Essenina str, 5Б, OFF. 58H
tel / fax 007 812 740 74 66